FRC Weekly Articles

From the director: Merry Christmas

Eloise Traina

Merry Christmas. The staff and I at Family Recovery Center wish you and your loved ones a very special Christmas Day and Happy New Year.

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Getting ready for Christmas?

Cathy Brownfield

It is the holiday time of year. And, as has become my usual state, I have been planning what I want to do, but I am running behind, partly because I don’t push hard enough to get things done. I am trying to live in the moment while also dealing with the adventures – and misadventures – of family.

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Self-care isn’t selfish

Cathy Brownfield

Self-care isn’t selfish. So why do so many of us feel guilty when we attend to the things we require for our personal well-being? In a recent webinar, “Soar with Self-Care: Refuel Your Well Being,” hosted by Advocates for Human Potential Inc., the facilitators led the participants to re-evaluate where they stand with self-care and well-being.

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Your Attitude of Gratitude is good for you

Cathy Brownfield

Do you feel appreciated? What does that mean to you? How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m working on my attitude of gratitude”? What are they saying? What has happened to our world that has so adversely affected so many of us?

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Home for the holidays: Be safe

Cathy Brownfield

It’s that time again, with many festivities planned over the next month or so. Highway safety campaigns also are under way to keep folks safe between parties. Those who abstain from substance use/misuse are making their plans. Christmas parties are scheduled. There will be parades and sitting on Santa’s knee to whisper in his ear what each child hopes to find under the Christmas tree this year.

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